Capital Procurement

Our Service

Independent and experienced advisory is important to ensure the optimum injection of capital for companies. If a company needs venture capital, there are many questions which the company owner will need to clarify. How large an ownership interest, in the form of shares, is the owner prepared to provide? How much capital is needed, and how much can be injected into the company? Where and how are buyers for the shares or shareholdings in the company to be found? It is important for the company owner that fresh capital is provided on the best possible terms.

Our process

Analysis of the company and pricing of shareholdings/shares

No two companies are the same. The owners know their own business extremely well, but their concerns are often not the same as those of the investors. At Cigno, we know all about the factors that either add to or detract from the value of a company, and when pricing an enterprise, we apply various methods that take account of both earnings and equity as part of an overall holistic analysis. Our pricing is a realistic assessment of the company based on both the seller’s and the buyer’s objective risk assessments.

Cigno conducts a thorough review of the entire company, the company’s external partners, customers and suppliers as well as competitors and the market. In addition, our analysis comprises an internal review of the company’s products, services, production and skills of the management and employees as well as an analysis of the financial reporting.

Presentation of the company to buyers and investors

It is important that the company is presented in the best possible way, both with regards to the positive aspects, and with explanations that support any negative aspects. Through our extensive network, both in Denmark and internationally, we can look for potential investors or buyers, and we prepare sales material in connection with capital injections.

Looking for the biggest synergies

Potential investors with knowledge of the market offer the most value for the company. We know that insight creates value for the company, and therefore we strive to find buyers who are able to make the most of the company’s potential. It might also be investors who can add expertise within various fields. Investors who can realise synergies through their ownership are usually willing to pay a higher price.

The negotiation phase is sensitive, and we handle the entire process between the company and the investor, solving any sticking points or disagreements that may arise. The price of the shares or shareholding is an important point of negotiation, where the best possible solution – and the compromise that best meets the wishes of the owner while at the same time making it possible to sell shares or shareholdings – must be found. It is important to know about different acquisition models that may cater to both parties. This is an area where Cigno possesses considerable experience.

Throughout the process, less important aspects may carry an undue amount of weight, but here we can guide and advise and so ensure that the interests of both parties are considered and that a compromise can be found that keeps the process on course and creates results. Our active involvement in the negotiations only comes to an end once the company’s shareholding or shares are sold, and the transfer agreement is signed.

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